Saturday, June 14, 2008

Definition of Terms

Anemia- where there is a lower than normal number of red blood cells in the blood or there is decrease in the amount of hemoglobin.

Aphasia- total or partial loss of the ability to speak correctly or understand and comprehend what is being said.

Stroke - When the blood flow to the brain is cut-off or impaired.

Shock - When the blood supply to the vital organ is inadequate.

Aneurysm - ballooning of the blood vessel

Signs- objective findings of the examiner or physician

- What the patient feel

Thrombus -stationary clot or a blood clot that stay

- Traveling clot

- decrease in the size or wasting away of a part of the body

- hardening of the blood vessel

Atheroscelerosis- hardening of the blood vessel or when there is fatty deposits/fat deposits

- a hole in the skin, stomach and mucous membrane in the blood vessel

Metastasis- spreading of the cancer cells from one organ or tissue to another

Abscess- localized connection of pus.